Those young people were taken
to Dubai by some Ugandans who have formed their private companies scamming
people of their money promising jobs which are not there.
Majority of these people say that they were taken by Mrs Nice Twikwirize who works with Ndahukye tours and travel, Zainabu plaza opposite Hard ware city Kampala
These people after borrowing
money from money lenders knowing that they are coming to work are dumped in
Dubai and link them to other Ugandans who call themselves agents.
These people in these pictures
here , Their Visas are expiring and they called back home to Mrs Nice
Twikwiriza of Ndahukye tours and travel, she responded to them arrogantly and
blocks them meaning they have way out to be helped .
Others are chased from bed
spaces and they moved away and started sleeping at union which is just an open place
This is one of the agents in Dubai who works with Nice Twikwiriza to scum money from our people. He is called Bilal and he has a fake company called Gazoo Safari
Few days back this guy called
Bilal was taken to police by some angered guys where he slept 2 days and had to
pay back 2 guys who arrested him.