Roger, Spice Diana's manager, has
vowed to battle Jenkins Mukasa and Eddy Sendi, two music critics, till the day
he dies.
Roger disclosed that he has turned his guns against the two and is now at war
with them. He clarified that the two have hindered the careers of musicians,
and he is making a lot of effort to put a stop to their journalism careers as
Additionally, he put up five million Ugandan shillings as collateral for
Jenkins Mukasa in the event that he can produce documentation proving Spice Diana
is not the owner of her brand-new vehicle.
To see them off, I'm working right
now. I've now turned my guns on those two individuals since they have worked
diligently to ruin musicians' careers. In a video that went viral on social
media, he partially stated, "I will not let them play with my brand, and I
have five million for Jenkins if he brings proof that the car is not registered
in the musician's name."
Spice Diana disparaged Jenkins Mukasa during the weekend and disclosed that the
critic is being paid to damage Spice Diana's integrity.