The greatest way to stay in touch is
through FaceTiming and phone calls because so much information is lost in
translation when communicating via text.
Doing a check-in in the mornings and before bed in the evenings is also crucial since it makes you feel connected at the start and finish of your days.
Because of this, even though you aren't physically present with each other, you still feel like a part of the other's day
Don't fall into the trap of relying solely on messages to get you through your busy day instead of picking up the phone. Feel free to make time for deep talks where you can both hear and see each other.
Rukoti releases the first visual off her maiden Ep that she released about a month ago for her music lovers . She is surely back and when you listen to all the songs in the EP you can clearly attest that this lady is surely so talented . Bino byonna bisange wano in the visualizer
Watch out the visualizer
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