This Friday in the Kololo ceremonial grounds, musicians Sheebah Karungi and Cinderella Sanyu, popularly known as Cindy, will compete while both proudly displaying their accomplishments in music and elsewhere.
With hindsight, Sheebah Karungi claims she has no regrets about her life. She is happy with her achievements, which include giving musicians a platform who have gone on to become titans in their fields.
If my life ended tonight, I wouldn't have any regrets because I've done my part. By collaborating with other artists, I've given many of them opportunities and made a substantial contribution to the sector. That I continue to support this business is demonstrated by the fact that I even asked Cindy to share my platform with me during the contest, she said.
Cindy has the opportunity to make money and further her career, in Sheebah's opinion, because of the approaching conflict.