Lynne Zaabu a Ugandan artist, born a few years ago to the lovely Batooro parents.Her music journey started before she could even clearly speak. She studied in Christian schools and so school choirs and scripture union was always her safe spot in school.
Zaabu is addicted to music, kindness and children. She does not play many music
instruments, but she does has basic knowledge about most of them. And she is
currently learning how to play the guitar.
has recorded a number of songs for the last 5 active years of my music journey,
collaborated with Maro and currently working on a collaboration with one of Uganda’s
finest female artists.
She has a few
videos like… gyekiri, Ndikwambala, Nyunyuzi, Mzuri, all available on my Youtube
Channel ( )
has an enormous passion for music, but clearly the worst dancer so don't expect
break dance. She loves fashion and traveling is like food to her soul.