Ohhhhhhh Ayiyeeee
Your my shepherd and I have no other
And I know that you would never leave
Nor forsake your own for you called me by name
For those who trust in you could never be put to shame
For your love is stronger than any other
Your love is stronger than any other
Kubanga (Because)
Bwosubiza bwosubiza otukiriza Mukama. (When you promise you
fulfill Lord)
Bwosubiza Bwosubiza otukiriza (When you promise you fulfill
). X 2
Ohhhh otukiriza ( Ohhhh you fulfill)
You’re the saviour in pursuit of me when astray
The one who loves me boundlessly
You helm me in oh Lord behind and before
And all your promises have never been said in vain
For your love is stronger than any other
Your love is stronger than any other
Ekigambo kyo kilamu (Your Word is alive)
Tokyuka tewefula (You never change)
Tolimwana wamuntu ( You’re not a son of man)
Okulimba oba okwejusa. ( to lie or to regret) X2
Kilamu kikola (it’s alive and it’s working)
(Kilamu) it’s alive
Oh Kilamu kikola ehh (it’s alive and it’s working ehhh)
(Kilamu) it’s alive
Ekigambo Kyo Yesu ehh. (your Word Jesus ehh)
(Kilamu Ekigambo kyo Kilamu) it’s alive your word is alive
Tolimwana wamuntu ela tolimba (you’re not a son of man and
you never lie)
(Kilamu) it’s alive
Ehh tewejusa (ehh you never regret)
(Kilamu) it’s alive
Kyewayogera kiliba (what you said will come to pass)
(Kilamu Ekigambo kyo kilamu) it’s alive your word is alive